Royds Installation Meeting 2023

The annual installation meeting of Royds Lodge was held on 18 May and the new Master Tony Underhill was installed according to ancient custom by John Hutber the outgoing Master. The Presiding Officer was Michael Dykes an Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who gave the address to the new Master in his usual exemplary fashion.

The address to the new Wardens was given by the current Provincial Senior Warden Del Padmore and the address to the Brethren was given by David Emery the acting Provincial Junior Warden. The night was extra special for the other member of the Provincial delegation, our own Dave Barnett who, having completed his stint as a Provincial Director of Ceremonies, conducted a memorable night and a fitting way to end his ‘Tour of Duty’ for the Province at his own Lodge. On leaving the Lodge he received a rousing and well deserved round of applause.
The meal hat followed was enjoyed by all and raised around £300 for charity.